The STRINGALL field specifier (case sensitive) allows you to specify one or more strings, which all must be contained as a substring in a specified field.

NOTE: The field specifier speed can be optimized by restricting the field to the MatchType property type.



Type one or more strings. A document is only returned if all these strings are substrings of the value in one of yourFields. You can match strings that contain punctuation (but see Note below) or consist of several words.

NOTE: Strings in the query should be percent-encoded. This ensures that any commas or curly braces that are part of a string are not interpreted as query syntax. If you are sending HTTP requests using the content-type application/x-www-form-urlencoded you should then percent-encode all parameter values, meaning that any commas or curly braces that are part of a string are percent-encoded twice (such that a comma is represented by the sequence %252c). For more information, see Percent Encoding in Queries.

yourFields Type one or more fields. A document is only returned if it contains one of these fields, and if the value in this field is contains yourStrings as substrings. Separate multiple fields with colons (:). There must be no space before or after a colon.



A document's ANIMAL field value must contain the substrings cat and dog for this document to be returned. If a document's ANIMAL field, for example, has the value grooming cats and dogs or doggedly scattering seeds, this document is returned.

FieldText=STRINGALL{old cat,young dog}:ANIMAL:TOPIC

A document's ANIMAL or TOPIC field value must contain the substrings old cat and young dog for this document to be returned. If a document's ANIMAL field, for example, has the value old cat chases young dog, or young.doggedly chasing bold cats, this document is returned.


A document's MISC field value must contain the substring a,b and e,f for this document to be returned. If a document's MISC field, for example, has the value a,b,c,d,e,f or 0=e,fx 1=da,ba, this document is returned.